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The Real Me


        A brief history: I graduated from St. Dorothy catholic grammar school in ’92 and went to Hales Franciscan H.S. I graduated from hales in ’96. From there I attended to Western Illinois University, and University of Illinois at Chicago. Majoring in Political Science with an emphasis on juvenile justice, with a minor in African American studies. I graduated from WIU in ‘03


            Currently I’m working for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, contracted out by Alpha Phi Alpha Homes as a service coordinator. While working part time for The Department of Children and Family services as a social worker 1 contracted out by Accounters Community Center.


Today I reside on the south side of the Chi, while working and attending school through U of I Champaign working on my degree in Geriatrics. So as you can see I’m usually busy. If it’s not work or school then I’m usually working with my church St. Mark UMC. [Located at 8441 St Lawrence]  One must always make time for the Lord to show thanks for his many blessings.


~"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23)~
I must  give  glory to God my Lord and Savior for bringing me through, never letting me walk along even when I am ashamed of myself he is still with me: Besides the Lord there are others whom I must show love to: My father, and Grandmother(mommie), my three sisters (all older), Wiley Sr. & Al {R.I.P.}My Church family, My Frat, and close friends, Nelly, Matt, Dex, Ryan, and Fam

I hail from Western Il Univ in Macomb Il The Insane Z-Gang chapter  of Kappa  Alpha Psi Zeta Mu.

Thank you for showing interest in my page and taking the time to read and sort of get to know me. Peace


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Those Z-Gang Nupes